Monday, January 21, 2013

Ouroboros evolving.

Reference photo I chopped up for a sketch I'm working on. I always loved these; possible tattoo material. aside from its interesting historical and alchemical meanings it's an appropriate symbol for someone such as myself, constantly attempting to reinvent and expand who I am and generally obsessing over my personal development . I'll post some pics of the sketch once it's underway.

From Wikipedia- The Ouroboros or Uroborus[1] is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail.
The Ouroboros often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end (compare with phoenix). It can also represent the idea of primordial unity related to something existing in or persisting from the beginning with such force or qualities it cannot be extinguished. The Ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations, where it symbolizes the circular nature of the alchemist's opus. It is also often associated with Gnosticism, and Hermeticism. Carl Jung interpreted the Ouroboros as having an archetypal significance to the human psyche.[citation needed] The Jungian psychologist Erich Neumann writes of it as a representation of the pre-ego "dawn state", depicting the undifferentiated infancy experience of both mankind and the individual child

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