Monday, March 25, 2013

Navajo Witchcraft.

Still attempting to research Skin Walkers. If anyone out there has a story or any pertinent info I would greatly appreciate it if you would contact me. I have managed to get a hold of an old book with actual eye witness accounts and interviews with hundreds of Navajos. These authentic accounts differ greatly from a lot of the fluff floating around the internet. These first hand stories are really what I'm after. All messages will be treated anonymously. Thank you.

Here's a link with some interesting stories.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pain, Gnosis, Pleasure

 I'd like to know about what techniques you guys use to reach states of gnosis. In layman's terms, how do you push yourself into altered states of consciousness? My standard methods borrow a lot from chaos magic and trance states. I use the standard method of sigil magic fairly often for minor ritual action. For deeper or more important rituals I will frequently employ several diffrent methods staged over a period of days. My other favorites are repetition based work (mantras or breathing exercises until i reach were I need to be) or extreme trials. I havent seen a lot of info on this in my studies but it is quite effective. I've termed these techniques Paingasming for lack of a historic term. Usually it involves launching a sigil or culminating a working with something excruciating to launch myself into a mystic state. Meditating for an hour then slamming my hand into a rat trap while I simultaneously launch my desire into the void. This is very similar to orgasmic gnosis, a shock to your everyday system that allows for a brief window of mindlessness. As far as trials go, putting yourself into stressful positions is quite effective. This is similar to meditative or disasociative actions but once again, I've never heard of anyone else doing these types of things. One of my favorites is adopting a push-up position with the legs slightly spread apart. Lower your body halfway to the ground and hold. Maintain this position till you are shaking, then keep going. Hold it till you think you can't anymore then do it longer. Stay in the position until your own body rebels against you and you collapse, shaking, onto the ground. In that moment of surrender, pain and defeat launch your magical desire into the world. Catch your breath, banish and walk away. Few things clear and focus the mind like pain and pleasure. So, what do you do? How do you all send energy into the worlds?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pillars Periodical Journal vol. II

I will be having some of my work featured in the upcoming PILLARS vol. II, The Golden Eitr. Quite excited about this one. It won't be available till later this summer but I already know it will be a fascinating read. I have a copy of the first Volume and it is a quality publication. A solid aesthetic and top notch contributors. I am honored. Here's the links-

Blog -

Facebook -

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Denver Intellectual Occultists

I have just created a Facebook group for Left Hand Path Occultists, witches, warlocks, weirdoes and whatever. If you live in the Denver area and would be interesting in speaking with people of similar interests you should check it out.

Click here to check it out -----> Denver Intellectual Occultists

Monday, March 4, 2013

The book of Coming Forth by Day, Chapter 43 - chapter preventing the decapitation in the God's domain.

I am a Great one, the son of a Great One, I am a flame, the  son of a flame, to whom was given his head after it had been cut off. The head of Osiris shall not be taken from him, and my head shall not be taken from me. I am knit together, just and young, for I indeed am Osiris, The lord of Eternity.

Egyptian book of the dead

Smile for the Camera

Here's an older video of me whoring myself out for the RAW artists collective. I had nothing to do with the music.




In every square centimeter of skin on your hand there are close to 3000 nerve
receptor sites. These densely packed regions of nerve cells are responsible for our
incredible tactile senses and fine motor skills. Your fingers relay an incredible amount of
information to your brain every time you pick up a hot cup of coffee, stroke your lover’s
skin, or grab a handful of snow. With a little training the vastly underrated sense of touch
can be refined to a preternatural degree.

Most of us, as primarily visually based creatures, tend to use our other senses
in emergency situations only. We don’t pay much attention to our tactile endowments
unless we run into something sharp or grab something uncomfortably hot. These senses
are generally given the role of “safety net” and little more. If one was to suddenly lose
the use of their eyes they would be thrust into a strange, alien world. Their hands, being
equally blind from disuse, would stumble and blindly grasp across this dark new world.
However, with practice, and a supreme effort of will, they would learn new skills. The
mind would literally begin reshaping itself and paying attention to every bump, every
crack in its new environment. With continued effort our subject could even learn Braille;
an entirely new language spoken in gliding pressure, patterns of dots silently birthing
forms in the minds eye.

By simulating such dire circumstances and exercising your attention you shall
unlearn your tactile weakness, and eventually, extend the sense of touch beyond your
physical body.

Grab something. Anything. Just pick an object up from your immediate

Close your eyes….

Feel it. Really FEEL it. Is it rough? Smooth? Hot? Cold? Slide your fingers
across it and try to picture it in your mind, not as a visual colored image but as it exists in
physical reality. Explore its surface like a three dimensional map, experience its weight
in your fingers. This exercise can also be done with a partner handing you new, unusual,
and interestingly textured objects. If you pick up a banana it’s easy to tell yourself “Oh!
A banana! I see these all the time and know all about them!” Go deeper. Don’t treat it
like everything else your eyes have devoured. Experience this unique object as a new
and wondrous thing. Use your hands, pay attention, and build a new understanding of the
world around you. This should be done continuously until it’s an integrated habit.

Once you’ve gotten comfortable with this exercise you should set aside a twelve
to twenty four hour period, preferably with someone to assist you and handle any day
to day responsibilities that may come up. Clear your immediate environment of any
potential hazards and you’re ready to begin. Blindfold yourself and don’t remove it for

the duration of the experiment. It is helpful to record any observations or insights that
may arise during this period. Everyday events (like taking a nap, or showering) become
novel challenges and new occult insights and skills can be learned from such trials. This
exercise may provoke spontaneous extensions of your other senses but for the sake of
this exercise try and focus on your sense of touch (however this exercise can be used to
rewire your other senses as well).

Note: people who spend extended periods of time in the dark or sensory
deprivation tanks commonly experience visual and audio hallucinations. Entity
experiences and “presences” are not uncommon. Any such experiences, uncomfortable or
not should be recorded in detail.

These practices should be repeated until you notice a marked increase in the
sensitivity of your sense of touch and have developed the habit of subconsciously paying
attention to whatever you handle. Taking the time to develop these new habits will make
the next step considerably easier. Now for the tricky part….

Clear you mind, close your eyes and place your hand against a wall. Visualize the
nerves in your hand as roots pushing beyond your skin and rooting into the wall. Keep
pushing, growing and extending these “roots” into the wall. Try and extend through the
wall into the floor and ceiling. Try moving into the walls of a neighboring room. Try and
invade the entire building. Pay attention to any impressions you receive, like the locations
of people and other details that can be verified later to check your accuracy.

This exercise will cause some odd physical sensations, usually “tingling” or
“shivering” feelings in the spinal column. These will lessen with continued effort. Test
yourself by invading boxes and buildings you are unfamiliar with and trying to “feel”
what’s inside. It should be noted that this ability is different than astral projection and
is directly linked to the sense of touch. If you quickly break physical contact with an
object while inside it you will instantly lose the “vision” of whatever it contains, usually
accompanied by a rather unpleasant or even painful sensation. Take time to withdraw
your “roots” back into your body to avoid this. As with all things, practice makes perfect.

It is possible for Adepts of this technique to invade the bodies of other people; of
this I will say no more.