Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pain, Gnosis, Pleasure

 I'd like to know about what techniques you guys use to reach states of gnosis. In layman's terms, how do you push yourself into altered states of consciousness? My standard methods borrow a lot from chaos magic and trance states. I use the standard method of sigil magic fairly often for minor ritual action. For deeper or more important rituals I will frequently employ several diffrent methods staged over a period of days. My other favorites are repetition based work (mantras or breathing exercises until i reach were I need to be) or extreme trials. I havent seen a lot of info on this in my studies but it is quite effective. I've termed these techniques Paingasming for lack of a historic term. Usually it involves launching a sigil or culminating a working with something excruciating to launch myself into a mystic state. Meditating for an hour then slamming my hand into a rat trap while I simultaneously launch my desire into the void. This is very similar to orgasmic gnosis, a shock to your everyday system that allows for a brief window of mindlessness. As far as trials go, putting yourself into stressful positions is quite effective. This is similar to meditative or disasociative actions but once again, I've never heard of anyone else doing these types of things. One of my favorites is adopting a push-up position with the legs slightly spread apart. Lower your body halfway to the ground and hold. Maintain this position till you are shaking, then keep going. Hold it till you think you can't anymore then do it longer. Stay in the position until your own body rebels against you and you collapse, shaking, onto the ground. In that moment of surrender, pain and defeat launch your magical desire into the world. Catch your breath, banish and walk away. Few things clear and focus the mind like pain and pleasure. So, what do you do? How do you all send energy into the worlds?

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