Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Sound. A specific tone. (find tone)
Sight without eyes and movement without legs.
Complete disassociation/dissolution 
A place outside of time. 
Pure information displaying itself in a non-visible yet visible fashion
Permanent deja vu. 
Terms like past present and future are irreverent here yet events appear to move (somewhat) chronologically.
It's full of "living" things.
Some aren't so friendly... and yes, they can touch you.
Some feel almost like humans, children.
"It's so beautiful in here..."
"move like us" "just dance, play, do what we do."
Space peacock manatees from the 8th dimension.
"I'm pretty sure I'm dead..."
"you can't feel your heart or you breath, there is literally nothing to hold on to."
"but so fucking pretty..."
"How long was I down? There's all the time in the world in there."
"That tone, it's what I heard first, then it went right through me and washed me away."
"The space-angel-whale-things were nice but that orange octopus thing was really hard to handle.
 So far from human...  it just reached right inside me, feeling me out."
"Yeah, I'm definitely dead." 

"Well,... I think I'll need awhile to process all that..."

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