Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Rituali Acheta

Letter to my co-conspirators: 2012: deep in the mountains of Colorado:

What this is all about.

Hello gentlemen. hope you all are doing well. Ive spoken to you all briefly at various points about helping me with a ritual. Normally I practice all my occult experiments solo but for this one I'm gonna need some assistance. I would like to work with you in a group ritual setting simply because I know you are all capable adepts in your own right. I think that your assistance would be extremely beneficial in raising this rituals power as well as being a jolly good time. The other factor is that I will be buried underground for the majority of the actual ritual work so I will be unable to perform certain actions.  I humbly ask you to participate in a ritual I've been working on for some time now; the Rituali Acheta. This letter and the attached materials are what I have written thus far. Most of the attached chapters are incomplete but I'm including them to give you an idea of what I've been working on. Please read this at your leisure and let me know if you would like to assist me in this endeavor. I want the ritual to take place on saturday night ( october 6th). It would involve us leaving saturday around noon and going camping about an hour from denver, then coming back sunday morning. If this doesn't work for you please let me know soon. If you need to meet us up there later or anything let me know so we can figure it out. 

In a nut shell this ritual consists of us going camping (yes, I have a spot ready) doing a bit of meditation/group intention work, burying me in the earth, pouring various liquids over my interred body, more occult meditation, and then banishing by party. There will be four participants including myself. W_____, J_______, N______ and I. All of the participants will have very distinct “jobs” but they will be very straightforward. The vast majority of the actual ritual work is already underway. On the actual day of the ritual I will require some assistance but I will do virtually everything as far as prep work goes. I won’t ask you to memorize long archaic speeches or embark upon extreme ritual obligations. All I ask is that you do your part to the best of your ability with an open mind and honest effort. That being said, I do have very specific roles I hope you all can embrace and fulfill. I will do my best to outline exactly what you need to do and make every step as clear as possible. If you have any questions please contact me and we’ll hash it out. 
Each participant needs to invoke a specific “energy” or “current”. Your goal is to INvoke this energy, in a strong meditative manner.  Invite it in, breath it, BEcome it. Each participant will need to use whatever mental training they have available to enter a state of gnosis 
 To fully yet vacantly embody this planetary archetype.

The ritual space is a large circle within a triangle.  I will be buried in the middle of the central ring. Each of you will sit in a corner of the triangle with my head oriented towards the north. 

These are interesting times we find ourselves in and I feel a strong urge to prepare myself and those around me for what is to come. On a personal level, I  find myself in the midst of my Saturn return. This year has been emotionally trying and downright scary at times. I find myself questioning old beliefs I held as truths and being faced with difficult decisions that test my current patterns of behavior. The tools that have served me well thus far seem ill equipped to handle the rapid evolution of the world around me.   On a larger scale we are all living in a tumultuous time on this planet.  This year, as you may have noticed, is all about change. 2012, age of Aquarius, Kali Yuga, whatever you want to call it. The dominant theme that is making itself apparent across all levels is evolve or die. This transitional period is manifesting in our lives as violent change; testing us and burning away the old so that the new may grow on fertile soil. On the the personal/micro level this year has been rough for myself and virtually everyone I’ve been acquainted with. Relationship trouble, personal injury or sickness, financial woes, etc. This time of transition is reflected across the big picture as well. Economic collapses, civil unrest, government oppression, and religious polarization. The demons, personal and otherwise, are loose upon the earth. It is obvious to me that we are sitting on the cusp of some interesting times and my intuition tells me that those who don't embrace these changes (i.e. adapt) will be burned in the years to come. When faced with adversity one is offered two choices; resist, or change. Bend or break. One can cling to the rocks and be battered by the flood or embrace the current and ride it wherever it may lead. I feel that anyone or anything resisting a current of this magnitude is going to be destroyed by the ferocity of what is to come. As intuitive, occult minded individuals I have no doubt you have reached similar conclusions. Change is terrifying, but it’s also liberating for those flexible enough to ride it out.

The Rituali Acheta is a ritual I have been working on for several months now.  The term, ‘Rituali Acheta’ is latin and literally means the cicada ritual. This ritual is using the cicada as a model and a spiritual avatar to facilitate a personal metamorphosis in myself. Around the world  in many many cultures the cicada has symbolized rebirth and immortality. It is a potent and ancient godform that has been with humanity since before recorded history. Intimately tied with the chthonic realms and solar worship it is a paradoxical entity. A union of opposites and a bridge between life and death. A fitting spiritual presence for a ritual such as this. 
The purpose of this ritual is two-fold. It is at heart a shamanic death/rebirth ritual designed to burn away the old and extraneous parts of the self. A fresh start if you will. Trial by fire. Historically and mythologically all heroes must undergo such an experience to prepare for the trials to come. To gain the strength and knowledge that will allow them to navigate the difficult tasks ahead.  On a more personal level this ritual is also designed to integrate disparate or opposing parts of the self into a unified whole. In other words, it will symbolically and literally bring the parts of ones self together into a new manifestation. Kill the old so that a new, more complete and organized entity can take its place. This amalgamation of the mind/body/spirit complex is the ultimate goal of the Rituali Acheta. To destroy the old self so that a new self may flourish. 

After journeying to the ritual site from camp after night fall we will take a minute to get into the groove. I will make a statement of intent and we will all meditate for a minute to clear our heads for the work. I will light some incense and set 3 bottles or bowls into the small circles in front of each of you. The bowl or bottle will contain a liquid that each of you will pour into my grave once I’m buried. After we are all comfortable and ready to go you 3 will join me in the circle. I will lay down in the grave and the three of you will cover me with earth until I'm completely buried. ( I will have a breathing tube.) as soon as I'm in the ground I will begin to mentally enter a state of gnosis while you three will return to your corners of the triangle. Once you all sit down take a moment to vacate your mind and enter a meditative state. Each of you should channel your specific energy and do your best to raise that power as strongly as possible while simultaneously projecting that energy into the central circle. In other words, raise that shit strong and push it into the middle. Once you are “in the mode” you three will take turns standing, entering the circle, saying a simple statement and then pouring your liquid and energy into the grave. Once you finish, exit the circle and sit back down. Continue meditating on your assigned energy while the next person stands and does the same. It’ll go something like this…

  • Statement of intent and invocation to my patron deity
  • I lay down in the grave in the middle of the circle
  • The three of you bury me till I'm completely under the earth
  • The three of you sit down in your corner and enter meditative space.
  • W________, you will start. You will represent Saturn. Dark, heavy, chthonic energy. You stand up, carrying the bowl of liquid, enter the circle, say a brief invocation and statement (just a few lines, I will send them to you in the next day or two as well as more detailed instructions on your specific energy and role.) then pour it over my body while projecting your energy into the ritual space. Once you are done, return to your spot and set the bowl back into the small ring in front of you. Sit down and continue to meditate and push your energy into the ritual.
  • N______, you will be the sun. Fire, heat, and solar energetics are your task. You will do the same thing. Once Wolfgang sits back down you will rise, carry your bowl into the circle, say your statement and pour the liquid into the grave. Once done, return to your spot, sit down and continue to raise the energy.
  • Ditto for you J______. You have a unique role in this energetically. You will represent balance and the unification of the two energies. In other words, you are the bridge and the null point. The midway amalgamation between saturn and the sun. I will talk to you more about what I mean by this but basically you need to be perfectly even. The void and the meeting point between these two opposite energies. Aside from that your task is the same. Stand, make your statement, pour you liquid into the grave and return to your spot.
  • Once all of you are sitting again continue to meditate and push your energy into the circle. You three are basically done until I come out of the grave.
  • Once I know that all three liquids have been dumped on me I will unify the energy being dumped into the ritual. Once I push myself into a state of ecstatic gnosis/union I will break free of my grave and climb out.
  • Once I collect myself I will remove my suit and make my final statement. As soon as I finish this statement I will clap my hand loudly and leave the ritual space.
  • Clapping my hands signals the end of the ritual. I will walk off a short ways to wash the dirt and blood, milk, etc, from myself and put on fresh clothes. 
  • As soon as I clap and leave you three will get up and return to camp. 
  • As soon as I'm dressed and mentally back in mundane reality I will rejoin you all at camp and we will make merry until the wee hours of the night.
  • Thus ends the Rituali Acheta.

I will provide more info in the days to come. On the day of the ritual we will do a quick walk through just to make sure we are all on the same page. I welcome any questions and concerns you may have. Text, call , email me and let me know.


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