Monday, October 21, 2013

Magni Alba Crotalus - The dream snake.

In my dreams, every now and again I find myself standing on top of a mountain, facing a cave. A jagged crack between two massive boulders that descends down into the bowels of the earth.  This place exists in the waking world. In reality it goes down 30 yards or so and spits you out at the base of a mountain. It's a narrow crack that you must wriggle through with care to avoid falling onto the ragged rocks that line it's floor. In the dream realm it continues deep into the heart of the mountain. Inside of this cave is a chamber inhabited by a massive rattlesnake. Albino white, crystalline and as big around as a man. Sometimes it's eyes are grey, it's color dull. At these times it is like an animal. fierce and aggressive.  In other dreams, after it sheds it's skin, it is a God. Crystalline and wise. Shining in reptilian regalia. An ancient and wise, heavy earth spirit. We chat and share stories. He imparts me with deeper dreams and antediluvian knowledge. This spirit has no name. He has existed for eons before names existed. Chthonic and wise, he calls to me now and again. Sometimes a beast, sometimes so much more.

Anyone else have similar somnambulant encounters?

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